About us
We write a wonderful sunny spring day in March 2013, a young 20-year-old man was looking for distraction. That young man was me. I have recently overcome an illness and am on rehabilitation, which can sometimes be very boring. On my endless walks, which are good not only for my psyche but also for my body, I came across a small kiosk by the buffet that carries magazines. At that moment, something catches my eye. I reach out, wonder why I've never heard of it, open the first few pages and am beyond thrilled. That was the day I discovered the German "Messermagazin" (knife magazine).
I have always had a thing for knives in my life, even as a little boy I was fascinated by the oldest tool in the history of mankind, my father and grandfathers always had one with them and I think that's where my love of knives originated. In my life so far I have received many knives, especially from my grandmother she bought me one every now and then, many of them I still have at home. I have forgotten many stories about the knives of that time, only one has burned itself into my brain, the most important one, how I got my first pocket knife.
I was about ten years old, my parents, my little brother and I were on vacation together in Salzburg. In downtown Salzburg there was a small knife store, unfortunately I don't remember the exact name, I think the store still exists today.
My father said at that time that it was now time for my first pocket knife, and so we went into the store.
Hundreds, thousands, small, large, colorful, simple, fancy and beautiful pocket knives at one place, a paradise for knife enthusiasts, simply a dream and I was allowed to choose a knife there!
I do not remember how long we were in the store, in any case I remember that when my brother and I came out of the store, we were more than just proud, we were the proudest young boys all over the world, because we just had gotten our first pocket knives.
It was a small Victorinox Classic 58mm with camouflage scales, so that was the day my passion for Swiss Army Knives started. A really great piece and the best part is that I still own it all these years later.
I've had to change the scales once, it's been sharpened a few times, but it's always kept that magic from that day, the day I got my first pocket knife.
Back to 2013 and the knife magazine. I was really bored so I immediately started having a look through the magazine and I got stuck on one page, an article about Swiss Army Knives. At that moment I felt that feeling from back then again, I was that little boy again 15 years ago. The memory of the day I got my first pocket knife was so present that I devoured the article. The article was about Alox collectible knives and it is still the best one I've seen so far.
That same evening I ordered my first five Alox Cadet in different colors and so a wonderful journey began.
Those five knives turned into several hundred and a love for knives and the Victorinox brand.
The community "Victorinox Freunde" on Facebook, which is the largest German-speaking community on the subject of Swiss Army Knives and of which I am more than just proud.
An online store that I run with passion and what makes me especially happy is that many friendships have developed with people who I would never have met without these great knives!
Therefore, I would like to say thank you again to all the wonderful people I've met so far in the group and outside, who have the same passion for pocket knives and pursue this, whether users, collectors or both, we have one thing in common and that is the joy and passion for Swiss Army Knives!
That's me:

with a love for Victorinox products